Jeg er på en evig studiereise her i California, åpen og mottakelig for å sjekke nyheter og se hva jeg kan lære. En ting jeg har lagt merke til er at mange jeg snakker med ønsker små personlige sentre som snevrer inn treningen til spesialområder- de kaller dem «Boutique Fitness Studio». Ja faktisk litt sånn som er (flaks for meg). De store gigantsentrene (Gym´s) med tredemøller og vektrom og saltrening ser ut til å måtte lukke ned flere og flere steder. Ihvertfall i følge Alison Trowbridge. Hun er daglig leder og driver Cardio Barre her i byen.

Alison has her background in gymnastics and dance.
What is the difference between all these Barre variations?
The Barre method, The Barre 3 – are all gonna be more like a pilates class, with lots of stretches and more of the isolated movements, but we (Cardio Barre) are focusing on the big movements, lengthening and strengthening. It´s high energy, but low impact. There´s no punching or kicking or forceful movements on the joints. The other Barre classes don´t do a lot of cardio.
I just read an article about Barre classes loosing its audience?
Cardio Barre is actually the original West Coast Barre Workout and Lotte Berke is the original Barre Class at the East Coast here in America. Our main studio is in Studio City in Los Angeles. It was founded 16 years ago by Richard Giorla. We have a lot of celebrities working out with us like Christina Applegate, Melissa Joan Heart, Melissa Gilbert, Dakota Fanning etc. As the Barre classes started to pop up all over the place nobody really could duplicate the cardio piece of our work. It´s patented , we use Ballet terminology, we do it all to the counts of the music.
When I opened this studio – with this amazing workout, my focus was to shatter the stigma of Boutique Fitness Studios and make it more fun and less sort of stuffy. I want this to be accessible for everyone and we aim to be something for everyone.
You use carpet in your studies, why?
That´s part of the low and no impact, and under these carpets there´s these rebound paddings which are thick and choque absorbent, so that´s part off it and for the non-slip piece of it.
In this Fitness area, where do you think we are heading?
I think the Boutique Fitness Studio Trend is getting to that peak point. You are seeing when studios have 4-5 or 6 locations they come back down to one location. They are getting closed. I think everyone should try to find a workout that clicks with you and that you love to do. That´s when you change your lifestyle and fitness get´s part of your lifestyle.
What is a Boutique Fitness Studio?
Boutique as opposed to a gym with lots of variety. Boutique Fitness Studios usually focus on one or two things. It´s a smaller studio and you know your clients. I think people need to find something that makes them feel like a part of a group, and then it feels like you have to join class and it helps you come back.
Any workout values?
Yes, I think a workout should feel like a celebration, it should be fun and give you a feeling of being body-able, and not like a punishment because I had that huge meal last night.
Vi hadde det ganske gøy og jeg kan love dere at disse bevegelsen er de kjappeste jeg har vært med på- jeg hang slett ikke med men jeg lo, og det var ganske digg og mykt og behagelig å trene på teppe. Særlig da jeg la merke til at ingen svettet noe særlig..for da ville jeg nok tenkt litt anerledes..

«I think a workout should feel like a celebration»
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