This is a blog about two things, some Bodysculpting excercises and also reflections about optimism. About seeing possibilities. Even when its poring down. I am intuitively ready for any kind of weather. I want to join and play and explore. I was born like this. Still as a role model for your kids its also about taking an active choice. Do you see the possibilities?

Rainy days are also days
I found great inspiration in Dr Martin E Seligman´s ABCDE: Learned Optimism: How to Change your Mind and your Life. You can order the book at Amazon if you wish to lean more.
What type are you? Are you one usually answers NO, and see challenges, uphills and negativity when you are about to solve a problem?
Optimisme is a competence which can affect your whole life, your relationship to yourself, your loved ones, your work and even your health. Can you imagine how good it feels when you approach a challenge with positivity and wonder instead of saying NO. In most cases we are not sad because we tried.
Yesterday the sun was shining and it was really a flipflop beach day. I coreographed new Bodysculpting classes on the beach. It was a great feeling spending retime like this.
I will share a few excersises -low-impact and toning, challenging your fleksibility and endurance. Further down under all these pics I am sharing 10 strategies to practice to become more optimistic.
1: Bridge Butt Dip, 20 reps.Feel free to stretch your right leg when lifting!
2: Sideplank Leg Kick – 20 reps – foot to 90 gr lift and lower:
Well, I didn´t complete the class but the day after I did add a cardio sequence. It was pooring down( 40 mm). I wore an extra wool scarf and sweater, but I had so much fun in the rain.
3: Diagonale lunges with arm swing, 30-45 sec
4: Plankjump, alternating each leg and make a little jump from the ground-30-45 sec.
Obviously not all days are like this where I see all the possibilities. But I did make an active choice to work on 6 thing to become more innovative:
- open to new thoughts and ideas
- see possibilities
- dare
- encourage others to dare
- be adventurous
- think I will succeed
What characterizes an optimist?
He/she is seeing solutions, not to strict about beeing perfect, one step at the time. Visualizing the success and thinking about a positive outcome. Like some athletes. Michael Jordan once said he would never start a game without having visualized it first.
Where does our optimisme come from?
Er den lært eller er den medfødt? For noen er den en medfødt gave, for andre er det en holdning man kan innta, lære, ta eierskap i og praktisere. Her deler jeg noen strategier fra Dr Martin E Seligman´s bok som du kan øve på om du ønsker mer optimisme i din hverdag:
- Surround yourself with positive people and stay away from the complainers.
- Cultivate your own strength and focus on what you do good instead of your weakness.
- Work on your self-development and og spirituality – through words and experiences and gratitude.
- Ignore the things you cannot change and focus more on what goes on inside of yourself
- See things from a new point of view for ex where something seems negative look for the positive
- Adjust your language when you answer YES BUT, you could say YES AND ..
- Move the focus from yourself and inspiring people and projects
- Expect succes from your colleagues and encourage them
- Be spontanous and open to do some fun things getting out of your comfort- zone
- Think about the health advantages – statistics claim that optimistic people have better health and immunity
In other words its pretty cool to train yourself to have a more YES and CAN MAKE IT – attitude in life. I am quoting Winston Churchill:
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Here are also 3 good exercises for better life balance:
See the opportunities,
Best, Monica
Source: Dr Martin E Seligman´s ABCDE: Learned Optimism: How to Change your Mind and your Life.
Clothes on the sunny day pics Casall @casalltraining