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Living in California is such a blast. It´s like you dont want to miss any opportunities. At least that`s what I feel. I have almost been here for a year, my plan was actually to relax a bit more these last weeks of my american journey. Finishing the book I am writing. Meditating and enjoying the sunsets as much as I could. Then Yin came along my way. Hmm, I emailed Adrienne Smith, the owner of Power of your OM, one of my favourite places to hang out, in dogs and cats. She answered: “Braxton is one of my favorite teachers…. he is extremely knowledgeable, passionate and relatable! ” – Ok, it was impossible to turn this down. So Yin happened.

Braxton and Adrienne at the teacher training!
The whole year has been like this, weeks and days filled up with exciting courses, workshops and meetings. Conversations about workouts, intentions, life and the meaning of all that we do. New York based Braxton Rose is one of these meetings. We had such a wonderful time doing the Yin Teacher Training and these days only added up on my wishlist of how I want to spend my days. Always learning, asking questions and being aware.

Yinning up with Braxton in a 120 minutes class….
So we did find time for a little chat. Afterall Yin is kind of new to me, and I guess for all the Yinilicious people out there, there is always more to learn!!!

Does`t hurt that Braxton is hensom too….
In your opinion, what is yoga?

Striking a pose here

Think listen to your body not your ego!

My Yin sisters and brothers