Holiday tips to maintain your weight

by Monica Øien

This post is also available in: Norsk (Norwegian )

So it´s Christmas – again. And we know what that means. A lot of get togethers and late night dinners which will challenge our will, power and ability to say NO!! It´s going to be hard to resist and to maintain your healthy lifestyle.In fact we always long back to the every day life after some days of holiday. But here are some smart tips to keep your weight through the holidays!


I recommend to do two things (through all holidays) :

  1. Move a little every day
  2. Follow some smart food advices

Check out these advices om how to survive the holidays with too much meat, gracy and sweets, maybe too much wine and  lack of moving.

  1. Snacks:

This is a smart rule to follow when you crave for snacks!!! Comine these – Fruit or veggies together with a protein = more tasty, regulates blood sugar and provide log-term energy. Some examples:

  • 1 TB peanut/almondbutter together with celery or cucumber.
  • 10-15 cashew nuts and some favorite berries.
  • 3 slices of ham over siquori salad/wrapped with arrugula
  • boildeg egg and salad
  • grilled squash and chicken


  1. Drink some hot H2O 

I will have a mug of hot water in the morning before any other intakes. The hot water smoothens the bowels and fit well in winter. Smart because during our sleep at night we have had a natural fast, we are dehydrated which leads to lower  the metabolism that the body doesn’t burn fat so easily.


Picture from

  1. Eat more meal – and fast in between

This is to prevent you from eating unhealthy foods when your blood sugar gets low. Add a few extra meals during the day but make sure you dont eat in-between meals. Let you stomach rest at least 3 hours.

  1. Choose one treat, not three 

There´s always some extra yummy sides to a holiday meal, like gravy, sauses, potatoes, even desserts, sweets and drinks and wine.  All of these foods makes your weight go up, make sure you pick one not three for the evening dinner. So if you decide to drink wine, skip the dessert and the gravy.


5. Skip the social glass of wine while cooking

This is a true trap which even make you more addicted to alcohol also. When you are hungry your brain is begging for nutrition. The nutrition you give you body, and brain, is the food you teach yourself to crave for while hungry.  So be careful with what you eat when you are hungry and preparing the food.

  1. Move

The Holidays will be so much better. You don´t necessarily have to run for an hour or spend hours at the gym. But make a Christmas schedule  with your daily goals.

Move Your Body!


Clean and lean

Make healthy food choices

Working out can be this easy:

  1. 100 dype Squat
  2. Plank for 60-90 sec. increasing as you get stronger
  3. 100 situps – variations
  4. 50 step ups on a chair (25 each leg)
  5. 50 pushups on your knees
  6. 50 tricepsdips – bench, chair og steps

Move your body!

Just a week to Christmas, hopefully it will be a great week while you keep on planning your feelgood workout for the holidays!

Best wishes, Monica

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